

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Winter Comes To My Blog

I know I've been pushing Christmas hard these past few weeks by featuring the Soul Mate Christmas Anthology, but now I'm talking about a different kind of Winter.

Winter Austin, to be exact.

She's the author of a series of Crimson Romantic Suspense books. This series begins with Relentless, where we first meet Cody and Remy, and is followed by Retribution. Her latest, Revenge, Book Three in the Degrees of Darkness Series, was just released on November 13.
Beautiful name, beautiful lady. What more could you want? Let's find out more about her and what she's been up to, shall we?

And don't forget to click on The Romance Review's poster to the right and visit some other places on the Year-End Blog Hop. Many great prizes are up for grabs, along with some fun games to play.

Now, here's Winter!

What is your current project about?

      Book 4 in my Degrees of Darkness series, this is the wrap-up book for my characters Cody and Remy, called Reckoning.

What’s next for your readers?

      It is actually book 4, set to release in March of 2014. So far the responses for the previous 3 have been great and I hope my readers enjoy the wrap-up to this pair and their crazy dangerous lives.

Why do you write in the genre you do?

      Because I have this insatiable need to create danger and action and throw characters into chaos every chance I get. I sat in a writers class being taught by a best-selling suspense author who stated that if you were the type of writer that was a glass half-empty person, then you make the best suspense authors. You’re always looking for the worst possible scenario for everything. I’m this type of person. While my heading might say Romantic Suspense, I’m truly and clearly a Romantic Thriller author.

Do you have an idea for “the” book of your career? Have you already written it or is it still an idea bouncing around in your head?

      For a good chunk of my life I’ve been a military wife. Having lived through a deployment and watched some of our soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen come home with the longstanding effects of TBI’s and PTSD I’ve been longing to write a book with a character coping with this. I’ve actually started said book and it's a lot different than what I’ve written and published before, this book is definitely more of a thriller. Whether this is the book of my career or not is up for debate.

If you could choose two people to have dinner with, from any time period, real or fictional, who would you want at the table?

      Dick Francis, because I have to beg him, how did he come up with a different crime and new character with a different career that somehow tied into horse racing with every book.

      And Red Skelton, cause I love laughing and that man has always made me laugh.

Are you a dog or cat person?

      Both, and it’s really hard to choose between them, and I guess that’s why I have both. Though I like having more than one dog, but only one cat.

Would you rather vacation at the beach or the mountains?

      Ooo, that’s a toughy, since I’ve been to the mountains and never been to the beach I’d like to go to the beach next. But I still love the mountain areas and would love to go back, especially in Colorado.

Sun or fog?

      Most definitely sun, fog is okay, but then I’m a Mid-west person and being out in the timber areas with fog is pretty cool.

Book Blurb:

In New Orleans, justice is best served with a heavy dose of revenge, and Remy LeBeau intends to tip the scales in his favor. For good.
Forced to take a mandatory vacation from the Dallas PD, Remy leaves his girlfriend, Cody, to protect her from what’s to come. If there’s to be any chance for a normal future for the two of them, he has to face his enemies and finish what they started—alone.
Cody Lewis gave up on someone once before, but not this time. She needs to come to terms with Remy’s past and her own as she seeks him out among the historic and deadly streets of New Orleans. But she got more than she bargained for. Those who oppose her will find you don’t get in the way of a determined Texan; especially a woman in love.
As Remy closes in on the nameless faces who have controlled his life for too long, his ability to save himself and those closest to him is tested, putting everyone he cares for in grave danger. And this time, Cody may face the reality of his death.
by Winter Austin
Romantic Suspense
Sensuality Level: Behind Closed Doors

Buy Links:


  1. Thanks for letting me stop by, Becky. I had fun. :)

  2. Sounds exciting. Good luck with your release, Winter.

  3. Very exciting blurb and great interview! Best of luck with your novel!

  4. Intriguing storyline! Best of luck with sales.

  5. Great blurb - exciting - and great post! Good luck with the book, Winter.
