

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dream Big

Okay, I'll confess it--I watch a lot of reality TV. I use the excuse that I only have eight stations at my disposal (six if you discount the Spanish and Russian stations), and I don't watch any crime or cop dramas, which annihilates most of the nightly lineup on every other station (Castle doesn't fall into this category, since he's an author).

But the fact of the matter is, I enjoy my reality shows. Not all of them, mind you. I draw the line at Miami, Shahs and Jersey. But everything else is fair game. I find some of the best lines for my contemporaries from watching these shows.

Recently, a new show started up that features a fashion blogger from Dallas. She made the comment that if your dreams don't scare you a little, you're not dreaming big enough. Sage advice from a fashion blogger, I thought. So, with the new year in sight, I'm offering up my dream list for 2014. They scare the crap out of me, so I think they're big enough.

1) Make it into the realm of "established" author. (10,000 sales, according to The Fussy Librarian)
2) Attend the RWA Conference in San Antonio.
3) Hit #1 on an Amazon list, at least for one day
4) Buy a new Mac to replace Old Faithful, who is now over ten years old.
5) Have one of my books be optioned for a TV movie. (Castle's daughter would be a great Ginger!)

So tell me, what are your dreams for 2014?


  1. Great choices! I think any writer would ditto what you have chosen!

  2. Thanks for visiting, Linda. I hope we all achieve our dreams next year.

  3. I'll take the first three as my "Big Hair Audacious" dreams for 2014. I picked up the phrase last year and it's stuck with me.

    1. I love "Big Hair Audacious"! Something we should all strive for, each and every day.

  4. Really great post! Got me thinking!

    1. Thanks, Lynn. It's never too early for those New Year's Resolutions to crop up.

  5. I second those big dreams! Great goals for any writer.

  6. You are on your way to Established, Becky!!
    In 2014 I want to [fist pump here] Retire to Write.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kate. I hope to get to the Established benchmark this year.

  7. Can't beat those dreams for scary but achievable! One dream I have is to not have to worry about social media to sell books but just write.

    1. I think your dream about not worrying about social media is not achievable, since even the big authors do book tours and have video podcasts. It's a way of life in the publishing game these days.
