

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Covers Are Everything

My last few days have been taken up by attempting to find an appropriate cover for my newest historical, due to release in March. While I know the best measure for a book's success is to write a really good one, let's face facts here. Most novels these days are sold through the internet. There are none of the tactile sensations that come from standing in a bookstore with the scent of Starbucks hanging in the air while you pick a book from the shelf and crack it open. Perhaps it was the author's name that first attracted you, but my guess is it was the cover art that caught your eye, even in a bookstore.  It's of utmost importance these days to be able to grab a reader's attention with a cover the size of a postage stamp.

While I love the cover for my upcoming contemporary, The Road To Comfort, finding just the right art for my next historical, Blinded By Grace, was a bit more difficult. What am I saying? It was a lot more difficult. Choices are more limited for historical covers, since most cover art is purchased through stock photo houses, and there just aren't that many historical reenactors out there. My publisher's first attempt failed because we discovered we had used the same model for one of my other books. The second attempt was a woman in a wedding gown alighting from a carriage. The carriage part of the picture was spot-on, but the dress was an obvious 21st century creation. I would have been laughed out of the Historical Hearts chapter of RWA if that one had gotten through.

So, the publisher and I both pored over images, searching for just the right one. Finally, three concepts were created, one of them a photo I had picked and thought was perfect. But, it takes a trained eye to understand that a stand-alone image looks different when you layer type over it. And type is needed on the cover for a few important things. Like your name. And the book's name. And the publisher's name, since they went through all this gnashing of teeth with you.

Ultimately, the best cover was the product of the art department, who knows what works. But it was a struggle. I hope, when I do get to reveal it to the general public, you'll approve.

In the meantime, I'm happy to share the cover of my contemporary, which is going to be released in March. The hero in the book is a man named Cyclone Kelley. This gentleman certainly stirs me up, so I think the cover is genius. Do you agree?


  1. Nice share, Becky. Can't wait to see what the art department came up with for your historical.

  2. Thanks, Nina. Can't wait to show it off.

  3. Wonderful cover Becky and you are right, the cover are so important, today more than ever.

  4. Love this post - it's so true how important titles and covers are. Add yes, all your covers are great, Becky, so I'm sure the next onr will be as well. Best of luck!

    1. I've been pretty lucky with covers, for sure, especially considering some I've seen.

  5. Hi Becky, Excellent post! Love the cover for THE ROAD TO COMFORT and look forward to seeing the cover for your historical.

  6. I have fought a battle with my publisher regarding the historical accuracy for my books. Yes the covers are pretty, but they are not accurate.

    Best of luck on getting your cover the way you want it, Becky!! Tweeted.

    1. I think your covers are wonderful, Ella. My latest may still not be completely accurate, but it's not going to be a strapless wedding gown, either!

  7. LOL. You have certainly aroused my curiosity! Can't wait to see the new cover. (And yes, the contemporary cover would certainly catch the eye even in thumbnail size.)


    1. Thanks, Barbara. I hope to be able to show off the new one in a week or so.

  8. Since I write historicals, I know exactly what you mean. But looking at your contemporary cover? He looks EXACTLY like a Cyclone should!!

  9. Love your new contemporary cover, Becky. It certainly merits attention! I can't wait until the reveal of Blinded by Grace. :)

  10. Thanks, Deborah. It's nice to know I can count on you during times of stress.

  11. I concur. I love your cover above. He is so sexy. I think covers are important because no matter what anyone says first impressions are important. I have seen some awful covers and it has put me off of buying the book.Cant wait to see your cover.

  12. Thanks, Maggie. It seems like such a no-brainer to me, and well worth the extra effort, but there are some dreadful covers out there.

  13. Can't wait to see the new cover, Becky! Love the contemporary one as well!
