

Sunday, January 26, 2014

K. M. Jackson is Bouncing Into The Blog!

 I'm pleased to have Kwana Jackson back on the blog. This busy lady has a new self-published book out, called Bounce. And, if that's not enough, her next Crimson book will be released in February. I'm so grateful she took the time to answer some of my questions. She's even giving away a prize, so be sure to click on her Rafflecopter link below to register. Here's Kwana!

  1. What is your current project about? In my latest novel, BOUNCE, readers get to meet Sabrina Jacobs a working wife and mother who seems to have it all but who’s seemingly perfect life is spinning out of control. I really enjoyed writing Sabrina and exploring her world because who hasn’t felt that, “can I stop the world and get off?” moment from time to time? I know I sure have. Here is a little bit about BOUNCE:

Bounce Blurb:
Growing up as a young girl, Sabrina Jacobs could only dream her life would be this good. She
has a successful career, a famous sexy husband, two children, a house in an affluent Westchester suburb and a shoe collection worthy of a magazine spread. Too bad it’s all a façade.
It has been almost a year since her husband admitted he had an affair with a younger and bouncier coworker. Follow Sabrina as she tries to rein in her out-of-control life by kicking her husband out on his rear, chucking her career and even firing her too-cute-for-the-job nanny. But how will she survive as a stay-at-home mom in the land of designer clothes, designer kids’ parties and designer babies? Hmm… maybe the hunky young French teacher, who has been flirting shamelessly with Sabrina, is just what she needs to take her mind off her problems. Well, not if her husband has something to say about it. Will Sabrina be able to forgive and still be true to herself?

  1. What’s your favorite part about writing? Least favorite?  My favorite part of writing is the coming of with the original idea. There is so much excitement to that and the door is wide open with the promise of anything is possible. Right after that is the dreaded feeling of, “oh my goodness anything is possible!” and a wee bit of writerly panic sets in as I’m about of get of the roller coaster and start the ride again. Now my least favorite is the middle push where you see the end in the oh so far off distance. It’s what I call the “Why did I start cleaning this closet?” moment. You know when you’ve already pulled all your mess out and it’s all over you bed so you can’t quit and you’re stuck with finishing the darned job. Yeah, writing is just that glamorous. LOL.

  1. Have you ever written a character based on someone you know? Now there is no way I’d ever admit to that. Ever! But really the answer to this is no. All my characters are fiction. As writers of course we’re influenced by the world around us, people we meet and those we just so happen to meet in passing. We’re also influenced by television,  magazines, pop culture, songs, just anything and our own imaginations so the characters can come from anywhere.

  1. Would you rather vacation at the beach or the mountains? The beach for sure. I think the ocean is just magical. I love the sound of the waves hitting the shore and the image of the sun setting on the water. There is nothing better to me.

  1. What’s next for your readers? Next up I’m excited to say I have the final book in my Crimson Romance self-titled Creative Hearts series called: THREADS OF DESIRE due out
    February 10th. It’s the story of a sexy and curvy fashion designer trying to find love and acceptance in the exclusive fashion world. I can’t wait for readers to meet Gabby and Nick the man who gives her a run for a money and who she gives a run right back.
Thanks so much for having me here today Becky. It’s been a real treat!

K.M. Jackson’s Bio:
A native New Yorker, K.M. Jackson spent ten years designing for various fashion houses before pursuing her dream of being a writer. She currently lives in a suburb of New York with her husband, twins, and a precocious terrier named Jack that keeps her on her toes. 

Places to keep up with K.M. Jackson:
K.M. can be found on her site at

Bounce Buy links:
Barnes and Noble:

Bounce book Trailer:

My Rafflecopter giveaway, which runs through Feb 6th, is available on my own blog:


  1. Bounce sounds like a really fun read. hmm, sexy cheating husband or sexy flirty French guy, I'd love to have the choice myself...

  2. Thanks so much for having me here today Becky!

  3. I love the energy in your interview and, I'm sure, in your novel! What a refreshing way to start my week!! :-) --katie o'boyle

  4. Love hearing about other writer's highs and lows - we are all so similar. The cupboard cleaning analogy was perfect, Kwana :-). Bounce is a lovely book and am looking forward to your new release!
