

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Introducing Angela Christina Archer, historical romance writer

I'm pleased to introduce you to Angela Archer, a historical romance author, whose debut novel, The
Woman On The Painted Horse, will be released on March 17, through Soul Mate Publishing. I asked a few questions of her, so we can get to know her better. Her books sound exciting and right up my alley.

  1. What is your current project about? I'm actually switching sub genres for my third novel into a paranormal romance set during the Salem Witch trials in 1692.
  2. What’s next for your readers? My second novel, In the Land of Gold is set during the Klondike gold rush in 1897 and is in contract with Soul Mate Publishing. I don't have a release date, but I expect it to be either the end of 2014 or early 2015.
  3. What’s your favorite part about writing? Least favorite? My favorite part is that moment where, even though the story is mine and comes from my head, I become completely wrapped up in the novel. It's usually during the last editing draft after my editor has polished it and I'm just reading through it. My least favorite is hitting those brick walls that leave me pounding my head against the table or wanting to throw my computer across the room.
  4. Who influenced you professionally? About a year into writing The Woman on the Painted Horse, I had the fortunate pleasure of meeting author William Bernhardt. After meeting him, he invited a friend and me to one of his seminars. That seminar was the turning point for my writing and the novel, and quite honestly, I don't think the novel would have become what it is today without his advice. He helped me so much, and I will be forever grateful.
  5. Why do you write in the genre you do? I love, love, love history. One of the best parts about writing historical fiction/romance is each of the time periods I choose to plot my story in is a period I really want to learn about. The research can become overwhelming at times, but it's a lot of fun too.
  6. If you have an entire day to devote to your writing career, how do you divvy up the hours? An entire day of writing? What's that? Having two small kids in the house, plus laundry, dishes, cleaning, and cooking, I probably would spend a few of those hours sitting at a table in shock over the fact that I had an entire day to myself. I think, at this point, since I'm trying to get the first draft done of the paranormal romance, I would spend as much of the time on that. With The Woman on the Painted Horse released, though, I've been spending a lot of time on marketing and promotion.
  7. What advice can you give writers who are getting started? Search your area for writer groups, conferences, and seminars. Join critique groups, and write every day.
  8. If you could choose two people to have dinner with, from any time period, real or fictional, who would you want at the table? Lucille Ball and (this is going to be completely out of left field, but....) any member of the band, Def Leppard. I'm a huge fan.
  9. Would you rather vacation at the beach or the mountains? The mountains.
  10. Sun or fog? That's a tough choice. I love the sun. The sun means I can ride my horse, work in the garden, and play outside all day. But, I love the fog, too. I don't know what it is, but there is just something about a crisp, foggy morning, either sitting on my back porch with a cup of coffee or going for a morning jog.

Alexandra Monroe is a slave smuggler, smuggling slaves north to Tennessee where they can live as free people. Her crime is sedition and her punishment, if caught, is death. The daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Montgomery, Alexandra lives a life not by her own accord, but a life she willingly accepts for her secret quest to save the lives of slaves. Her ultimate sacrifice is to marry the town's most eligible bachelor, Thomas Ludlow.
One afternoon, Alexandra comes face to face with handsome William Graysden. He captivates her, and her thoughts confuse her. Born a Creek Indian, not only is William forbidden because of his race, but also because Alexandra is a closely betrothed young woman. William and Alexandra fascinate one another, finding in each other a bond they don't wish to ignore. After a series of events; however, William is forced to face the choice to continue the dangerous pursuit of Alexandra's affections or forget about her.
As a sweet, level one heat level, romance novel, THE WOMAN ON THE PAINTED HORSE weaves through the social disparity in Deep South 1861—a time where blackmail, money, and greed could be more powerful than love.
Facebook: Angela Christina Archer
Twitter: AuthorACArcher


  1. What a lovely review! Congratulations on your release!! Tweeted.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for stopping by!! :)

    2. Thanks, Ella, for stopping by this morning. Thanks for the tweet, too. As always, I appreciate it.

  2. I, too, began writing when my sons were little guys. Those memories blend together, the writing life with mommy days. Time passes swiftly. Mine are now grown with families of their own. I so admire how much you've been able to accomplish so early in your writing career. Congratulations on your new release, can't wait to buy that book!

    1. They are both too young to really grasp what I'm doing, but I hope that one day they are proud. :) It's not easy every day, but what ever is? As I'm writing this they are fighting. *sigh* Thanks, Jaye in more ways than one...

    2. Thanks, Jaye, for sharing your road to publication with us. I always remind aspiring authors with young families that they can carve out a little time each day for their craft. I hope someday my message will resonate. But it's nowhere near as good as yours, since you've been there, done that.

  3. Great interview! I really like anyone who loves Lucille Ball and Def Leopard! Wishing you much luck on your releases!

  4. Thanks, Lani for your kind words and stopping by!! I grew up watching I love Lucy with my mom. I've seen every episode even all the ones in the Lucy/Dezi comedy hour. I have all of the seasons on DVD and I am determined to get my daughters into them too.

  5. Thanks, Lani, for dropping in for a visit. I appreciate you taking time from your day to leave a comment.

  6. The book sounds wonderful! Love the title! Tweeted as well.

  7. Thanks for a look into your writing world.I find the writing muse hits at any time. Love walking the dogs and letting the mind wander. Best of luck with sales.
