

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lunch Period

You know how it was when you were in high school? You could actually feel wrinkles developing in your brain as you concentrated on what was being taught to you. Or you were involved in test after test without relief.

Until lunch time came.

That 45-minute period was the highlight of the day. You got to eat, first and foremost. Second, you got to socialize with your friends. Third, it was just down time, give your brain a rest time.

That's what I'm about to do. Take a lunch period break. I just turned in book 6 in the Cotillion Ball Series, so while I await a verdict on its outcome, I'm going to kick up my heels for awhile. I've got friends coming into town for several days in May, I've got a chapter conference to go to, which is always a good time to socialize with friends who speak my language. I'm going to eat good food and give my brain a rest. With three books being released so far this year, I think it's time for a break. And having friends coming to visit gives me a really great excuse to clean the house within an inch of its life--something that has been woefully neglected in light of releasing three books in four months' time.

So, if you hear someone giggling manically from the confines of my house, I haven't gone over the deep end. I'm just kicking up my heels.


  1. If anyone deserves a break, it's you, Becky--you've had a phenomenal year, and it's only April! I look forward to seeing those heels on Friday. ;)

    1. Thanks, Marin. I'm so looking forward to the conference and to seeing everyone again. I always have fun.

  2. I so agree. Sometimes we get caught up in writing and why can't we figure out some plot point. I think we have to learn to not feel guilty for not writing.

    1. Learning not to feel guilty is a constant struggle.

  3. Thanks, Lily. A little down time is certainly warranted every now and then.

  4. On the days I write full-time I always make sure to take an hour for lunch and read for pleasure (or do some chores). It refreshes the brain. Good luck with your releases.

  5. I agree, Marian! And wish I could school myself to do that, instead of munching on something with one hand while the other one types.

  6. Becky, kicking up your heels is well deserved! 3 books in 4 months, whew!

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. I'm so looking forward to the break.

  7. The best plan I've heard of in a long while. Fun ahead and thanks for a great idea. I'll just finish the last part of this, my twelfth book in four years, and take a day off.

    1. 12 books in 4 years? If anyone deserves a day off, it's you.

  8. Wow! That's it! Writers are the people who speak my language. I never thought of it that way, but that explains a lot about how we interact within all social groups. Thanks for the epiphany, and go kick up those heels with glee. You've earned the break. :)

  9. Thanks, Jaye! I plan to have a ball.
