

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Please Take Advantage

It's finally summer, and with the change of season, I'm changing some things up on my blog site. As my backlist grew, the list on the right side of the blog page extended further and further. So, I've created a new page called, appropriately enough, Books. There you can find information about all my books, both historic and contemporary, as well as what's next on my schedule. Lots more historicals, and a new contemporary trilogy are in the works. Please click on the "Books" page to find out more.

This is the final week of The Romance Review's blog hop, so click on the link to the right and visit the blog to make yourself eligible for some great prizes and to discover new authors.

Crimson Romance just celebrated their second year in business by opening their own store:

They're offering one book free if you buy five, and, until the end of summer (August 31), you can save even more by using the code FFSAVE. It's good for another 10% off. Stock up on the great authors and books that are available.

And speaking of stocking up--beginning July 7, ten of Crimson's best-selling historical romances will be sold as a bundle for only 99 cents! Authors Elf Ahern, Emma Barron, Elizabeth Meyette, Andrea Cooper, Ivory Lei, Rachel Donnelly, Emma Barry, Marie Patrick, will join me in the bundle of goodness. Be certain to add this wonderful offer to your "Must Buy" list on July 7. And check back here, as I'll be featuring each book and author from time to time throughout the summer.


  1. Sounds like you're having a busy time!! I tweeted.!

    1. Thanks, Ella, for stopping by. For some reason, the new Books page, on which I worked for about 3 hours yesterday, isn't showing up. Grrr! I've got the web designer on it. Hopefully soon.

  2. It's working! A separate page for my books now exists.
