

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cover Reveal and Two More Books in the Historical Bundle

The cover for my new book has been approved, and I'm happy to reveal it to you, if you haven't already seen it on Facebook or Twitter. Here it is. What do you think?

And, here's the blurb: Can't wait until September 1! 

In 1859, ladies of New York society were expected to do three things well: find a husband, organize a smooth-running household, and have children. 

Rosemary Fitzpatrick’s agenda is very different. As the author of the popular Harry Hawk dime novels, she must hide her true identity from her new publisher, who assumes the person behind the F. P. Elliott pen name is male. She must pose as his secretary in order to ensure the continuation of her series. And in the midst of all this subterfuge, her mother is insisting that she become a debutante this year. 

Henry Cooper is not the typical Boston Brahmin. Nor is he a typical publisher. He’s entranced by Mr. Elliott’s secretary the moment they meet, and wonders how his traditional-thinking father will react when he brings a working class woman into the family. Because his intentions are to marry her, regardless.

Rosemary’s deception begins to unravel at the Cotillion ball, when Henry recognizes her. The secretarial mask must come off, now that he knows she is a member of New York society. But she can’t yet confess who she truly is until she knows if Henry will accept her as F. P. Elliott. 

The more time they spend together, the closer they become. But when Rosemary reveals her true identity to him, will Henry be able to forgive her or has her deceit cost her the man she loves?

Now, on to the business at hand. Two more books are being featured from the bundle, Time After Time. It's still on sale for only 99 cents. Be sure to get your copy. 

Brave In Heart by Emma Barry 

Theodore Ward is a man of deep passions and strong principles—none of which he acts on. So Margaret Hampton ends their engagement, breaking both of their hearts in the process.
Years after their estrangement, ardent but frozen Theo attempts to reconnect with Margaret. She is no longer trusting of the idea of romantic love, having become pragmatic and wary during decades alone. But with the drumbeat of the early days of the Civil War in the background, how can she refuse?
The courtship that results is hasty, reckless, and intense, fueled by contradictions between Theo’s willingness finally to change and Margaret’s fears about the future. Two smart, stubborn, fiery people will need to overcome the hesitancies of their hearts and the perils of battle if they’re ever to find happiness.

Author Bio: Emma Barry is a (former) Montanan who loves hugs from her toddler twins, Earl Grey tea, her cat’s whiskers, and her husband’s cooking. Learn more about her at

A Treasure Worth Keeping by Marie Patrick 

Caralyn McCreigh has always believed in three things: that her father, Daniel, would never force her into marriage; she could have a story book romance with a man who sweeps her off her feet and a loving marriage like her parents share; and in the existence of the legendary lost treasure, Izzy’s Fortune. When Daniel tells her that her marriage has been arranged, all her beliefs are shattered and she does exactly as he hopes she will do – she embarks on a quest to find Izzy’s Fortune, believing Queen Isabella’s treasure will buy her out of a marriage she doesn’t want to a man she doesn’t know or love. And who better to help her than Captain Trey, the infamous treasure hunter?
Tristan Youngblood, Captain of the Adventurer and future Earl of Winterbourne, would much rather sail the oceans and search for lost treasure than settle down and take over the reigns of the Winterbourne estates, but when he receives news that his future has been decided for him, he knows he has no choice. He has no qualms against marriage itself but having witnessed the misery of his parent’s union, he does not desire the same for himself but instead of rushing home to England to court the woman who is to become his wife, Tristan accepts Caralyn’s proposal and embarks on one last grand adventure to search for Izzy’s Fortune

Author Bio: Marie Patrick lives in beautiful, sunny Arizona with her husband and amazing fur-babies. She loves to hear from her readers. Find Marie Patrick at or email her at

Crimson Romance's historical bundle is still on sale. Ten books for only $.99! Can't beat the price, and the diversity of books ensures there's something for everyone. If you love historical romance, you can't go wrong. 

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