

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Tour Rolls On

The virtual book tour continues on for one more week. A complete list of stops for the remainder of the tour is on the right. I can't imagine how book tours were in the days before the internet, and have the utmost respect for the ladies who led the charge. Nora Roberts, in one of her "Get to Know" sessions at the RWA conference talked about appearances on QVC and how she had to cancel an appearance on the Today Show because one of her children had an accident and needed to be taken to the hospital. It's always been tough juggling home and career, and today is no different.

Like many authors, I write in multiple genres. On any given morning, I can be immersed in 1860 America and then switch in the afternoon to present day, to a beautiful lake in upstate New York. And then there are blogs to do for both genres, blog tour Q&As, stats to check, writer's groups to attend, and all the rest. It makes me slightly schizophrenic, but then I take a step back and think of the ladies who had to peddle their books by car, plane, or even by bus. They'd check into a tiny hotel room, missing their families, smile at the fans who braved all kinds of weather to come to the bookstore to chat with them for a few minutes and buy their books.

Twenty years ago, when e-books burst onto the scene, the industry was forced to change. No longer were under-performing books pulled from the shelves after a few months, never to see the light of day again. Now, a book's virtual shelf life is infinite. As can be an author's life. The first book in The Cotillion Ball Series, The Reluctant Debutante, has been out for two years now, and is still selling daily. I love being an author in the 21st century.

And, if anyone wants me to come to their bookstore for a signing, I'd love to accept.

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