

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Surgical Writing

As I prepare for surgery next week, and created my list of things to get done prior to admitting myself to the hospital, it occurred to me there are many similarities between what I'm doing to myself and what I do to my manuscript to get it ready for publication. A bit far-fetched? Possibly, but hear me out. I'm not known as the Analogy Queen for nothin'.

Surgery-–Prepare a list of things that need done before the event.
New Book–Prepare a list of things that need done before launch date.

Surgery–Be certain to arrive at the hospital all clean and shiny.
New Book–Be certain the book is polished and ready to go.

Surgery–Inform friends and family of the event.
New Book–Inform friends and family of the event.

Surgery–Line up friends and family to take care of daily chores in your absence.
New Book–Line up friends and family to read the ARC and write reviews.

Surgery–Get the word out about the outcome of the surgery and your expected release date.
New Book–Get the word out about the book and your expected release date.

See? Life, as with books, is about planning. Advance planning, and getting assistance when needed, is necessary for the best outcome, be it the launch of a new book, or the replacement of a worn-out hip.

My friends and family are poised and ready to pinch-hit for me until I can sit at my computer again. Bring it on.


  1. Hi Becky, Excellent analogy! Good luck with your surgery. Joanne :)

  2. Thanks, Joanne. Looking forward to getting it over with and get on the mend.

  3. Hope all goes well... I bet you could still write in bed :) Only if you wanted to, of course :) And the meds just might bring on some wonderful imaginings
