

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Sound Of Silence

If you've been following this blog for a while, you already know that my sister, Pat, moved in with me last year. She set up the finished half of the basement as her domain, but after the first few months, decided she preferred to be upstairs. She was quiet when I worked in the mornings, and we enjoyed each other's company, so it worked well, despite the reservations we originally had on both sides.

She has the flexibility to travel, and from the beginning, told me she'd be elsewhere during Ohio's harsh winters. So, last week, she took off, driving cross-country away from the snow and ice, to spend the winter in Phoenix and Shreveport, with a side trip to San Diego thrown in for good measure. My dog, Mary, and I waved goodbye, a tad jealous, but also looking forward to getting back to my old routine.

So what happened? A wild streak of creativity? A feverish bout of writing getting me way ahead of schedule? Ideas for story lines for as yet unplanned novels coming at me fast and furious?

No. Crickets are what happened. Silence.

I've been polishing up a manuscript I'd been working on since before she left, and my next Cotillion Ball story is coming together as outlined. But nothing new. I've been moping, as has Mary.

It's strange, since I've lived alone for years. I should be used to this.

How about you? Does anyone have a trick they use to jumpstart those creative juices? If so, please share. April's a long way off.


  1. I find that when I first get some free time, I spend it reading voraciously. After a few days filling up on stories, they start overspilling, and then I have the urge to write. Julia Cameron's books also help, although I find 'The Right to Write' more useful than the more famous 'Artist's Way'.

  2. My go-to are romcom movies - and a handy copy of "Writing Down the Bones" - you are in mass company as many of us are in drought until April to see the next episode of Outlander. So we can all do the countdown together while you wait for your sister. Crank up some Disney tunes - Whistle while you work; A spoonful of sugar; Zippity Do Dah. lol You can do this!

  3. Thank you, Stephanie and Kathleen, for your good advice. I just got my books to judge for the RITA--7 to read in six wks, so am set there. And, if I can figure out the satellite dish my sis left behind, I'll watch some movies.

  4. So glad that you and your sister bonded so well that you miss her now that she's gone. It's not easy living with someone after so many year alone. Catch up on the readings and take a break after each one to work on your own. Sis will be home before you know it.

  5. Thanks, Barb, for the sage advice. Sis is having fun on her trip, and I'm getting used to a quiet house again. You're right--she'll be back before I know it.
