

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This past week has been one for the books–unfortunately, not mine.

My shiny new artificial hip decided to dislocate itself while I was shopping last Sunday, resulting in three days in the hospital. Then, I got fitted for a leg brace which extends from hip to foot, which I'm supposed to stay in for 6 weeks. After only three days, the brace fell apart!

Two flukes in the same week.

As a result of these unexpected bumps in the road, I got very little done from a writing or promotional standpoint. I had some edits due back to the publisher, and I've got a deadline looming for the next book in the series, which is due June 1, and I'm only on the first revision.

What to do now?

Well, things could not be working out better in that regard. Since I'm trussed up like a turkey for 5-1/2 more weeks, I'm not going anywhere. Even if I could, I have no clothes that would fit over the brace. It's a good thing I like to work in a nightgown.

So now it's time to buckle down. Edits went back yesterday, so I can check that off my list. I've got to get through that first revision and then dump it from Scrivener into a word document and format it. I know those of you using Scrivener are screaming at the screen right now,"Why are you doing that, when you can format right from Scrivener?"

It's part of my process. No two people work alike.

So, hopefully, by the end of this week, I'll have that first revision knocked out and will start on the formatting. Then, I may even find time to get back to the other historical I'm working on. There's always a list of things to do, broken hips and braces or not.

Have a great Sunday, and an even better week, everyone!


  1. When life throws you lemons make lemonade.Its interesting how we all cope differently with set backs. You will get there.

    1. Thanks, Maggie. And while the brace is awkward, I think of those less fortunate who are forced to wear this type of hardware every day of their lives. Counting my blessings.

  2. Wow, Becky! That does sound like a terrible week! I hope your hip starts to behave itself soon and that you are up and at 'em before you know it. In the meantime, do enjoy your enforced productivity. :)

    1. Thanks, Marin. I do love to pack my weeks full.

  3. Becky, so sorry for your hip setback! But just like you to make the best of a bad thing. Hope you're not in pain, and good luck on the edits! Thought and prayers coming your way.

    1. No pain, edits are out of here. All is well, or as well as it can be. Thanks, Miranda.

  4. Ahhh Becky, I didn't know about the brace falling apart. So much technology and it breaks in 3 days. Hope they got the kinks worked out. At least the weather is warm enough to sit out for a bit. Take in the green grass and the daffodils. I pray that you're not in any pain. Too many drugs might mess up your edits. Hey maybe a good thing. Cowboys shooting rockets from their guns from the backs of flying unicorns. Pray for a speedy recovery. We have plans in NYC.

    1. Maybe you should start writing steam-punk, Barb. Cowboys shooting rockets, indeed. Fun. And to answer your question, no real pain, just uncomfortable. If I can find some clothes to wear over the brace, I will be outside.

  5. Becky - Hope you mend well this time. A friend of mine went through the same multiple issues with her hip, after slipping on a wet floor at a restaurant. Being a bionic woman is not all it's cracked up to be. Best of Luck.

    1. Thanks, Gay. I'm hoping this will be the last of it. My dad never had these kind of issues with his artificial hips.

  6. Oh, Becky, what a week! Yet you've come through it with optimism and great perspective - a sign of a very strong person. Take good care of yourself and let those fingers fly across the keyboard.

    1. Thanks, Jane. I started reading your delightful RITA book yesterday, so that will help me pass the time too. Fortunately, I have all kinds of time now to catch up on things.

  7. That really does sound like a lousy week! You're outlook is wonderful.
    Best of luck!

    1. Thanks, Sheri. At least there are no excuses for getting my writing done.

  8. So sorry all that happened Becky! Glad you are looking at the positive side. I also have to format after I export from Scrivener. I just can't seem to get it exactly how I want it and it is faster to just do it in Word.

    1. Plus, it gives me one more pass to make certain it's polished. Glad I'm not the only one, IreAnne!

  9. So sorry all that happened Becky! Glad you are looking at the positive side. I also have to format after I export from Scrivener. I just can't seem to get it exactly how I want it and it is faster to just do it in Word.

  10. Yes, you absolutely will have a BETTER week beginning today.At least you got all of the bad stuff out of the way in April. May will be a much better month. Hang in there!

    1. Looking forward to May. That's birthday month. Nothing bad can happen then, can it?

  11. Oh my goodness! What a week you had! Do take your time a rest and get better soon. But at least you have things to get done with out having to move much and you'll never know, maybe a book will be ready by then. ;)

    1. Or maybe this whole experience is a book in the making...

  12. I'm starting my work out routine today to get me in better shape... Ugh on the brace!

    1. I wish I were as far along as you, Lynn. I need to be able to keep up with you in NYC.

  13. Well crud. Bad week indeed. Sorry to hear it. In the midst you plug away on The Work like a hero. Hugs, Becky. Commiseration indeed!

    1. Gotta keep it up, that's for sure. And, if I've got something to do, I don't think so much about how miserable this brace is.

  14. Take care of you. Once in a while we just have to "rest beside still waters" and pamper ourselves, mind, body and soul. Hope you get LOTS of writerly stuff done.

    1. Thank you, Neva. I like your advice about resting beside still waters. Just what the doctor ordered, literally.

  15. You dislocated your brand new hip? OMG--that sounds HORRIBLE. I didn't even know such a thing could occur. Hopefully, the brace will make it all better. One bad week like this more than enough for the year.

    1. Yes, Abbie, evidently I'm a fluke. (No surprise to me, altho the doc is still confounded). Things will get better. At least I'm able to sit and work.

  16. Oh! My! Gosh! Wishing you hurry to that part of your life where all this is just a memory. I had a friend go through a similar awfulness. My hip hurts for you. You are a brave woman. Looking forward t your next book. Blessings

    1. Thanks, Susan. This entire experience has definitely put things into perspective for me.
