

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Summertime in Ohio

As most of you know, I've got a couple more weeks to be housebound wearing my brace and walking around in a nightgown, since that's the only thing that fits. My inactivity was beginning to wear on me, until yesterday. That's when the outdoor furniture finally got carried up out of the basement and the screened porch was put together. I now can sit out on the porch with my computer, working while I'm watching the birds in the yard, and inhaling the scent of freshly mown grass. It certainly has done wonders for my psyche.

Which is a good thing, since I'm going through my checklist on my latest work, trying to polish it up. The checklist is the most tedious part of writing, as far as I'm concerned, since it's not creating a new story, but rather finessing and fine-tuning the work you've just put on the screen. And my checklist just got longer, thanks to some courses I've recently taken, but in the end, I'll have a contemporary work I'm proud of. 100 pages down, 135 yet to go. And at least three more read-throughs before I'm done.

I have a lot of events on the schedule for June and July, which will cut into my writing time. But I'll get to see people I haven't seen in years, I get to tour a part of the country I haven't spent much time in, which I plan to use as a backdrop for another story, and I get to end July at RWA Nationals in New York. Who knows what plot lines I'll find?


  1. I need to pull out my old checklist and see if it's still usable. Glad you're getting some fresh air. :)

  2. Great post. We all have one of those lists that never seems to end.

  3. Great post. We all have one of those lists that never seems to end.

  4. I agree, Susanne, and it never gets any shorter.

  5. Love your sun porch. Yes, fresh air and a new view works wonders on our perspective. And creativity. Enjoy your summer!

  6. Thanks, Ryan Jo. It sure beats sitting in a boring office.

  7. Lovely porch, lovely lady. May your recovery continue at the fastest pace possible, and your summer slow down enough for you to savor the season. Hugs.

  8. Thanks, Deborah. Only 1-1/2 wks to go with the brace. I'm feeling stronger every day.

  9. Beautiful sun porch! Glad to hear you'll be out and about very soon. Joanne :)
