

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Home Alone

My sister is galavanting around the country on a well deserved ten-day vacation to sunny California. I'd be envious, but I have things to do. Writers don't retire, and I have a deadline looming.

I need to set up a routine again, which has been sorely lacking from my life these last few months. First, it was the hip, then the potential move, then bronchitis, and the constant search for a new home that meets all our criteria.

Mary and I are easing into this new normal gradually. Some thunderstorms interrupted us yesterday, since Mary gets very frightened and needs to be cuddled. I can break my routine to cuddle any day of the week.

And, under the guise of going out to lunch, I took myself to the movies yesterday and munched on nachos while I stared at an aging Robert Redford. He's still handsome, but not the steal-your-breath kind of gorgeousness of his youth.

Then, there's the water therapy schedule staring me in the face. Maybe next week.

My goal while Sis is gone is to find the groove again, and get back to writing at least 1000 words a day. So far, three days in, three thousand words. So, I'm on track. Now, to keep it there, until my last book in the Cotillion Ball Series is finished. I think I can, I think I can...

And, if you haven't already done so, I still need two votes for The Duplicitous Debutante to make it to the finals of The Romance Reviews' Readers Choice Awards. Please take a moment and cast your vote here:


  1. Very nice article. I think getting into a routine is one of the most difficult issues facing a writer. My stories seem to pile up in my head. So at this moment, I'm enjoying writing the 4-9 page stories I'm writing for my boy in the Army. ;-)

    1. Your writing is where it needs to be right now. Your boy looks forward to your stories, so that's reward enough, I'd say.

  2. Hi Becky, I'm also struggling to get into a routine. I've always thought of September as a gentler January, but this year it's proving just as challenging. BTW...I enjoyed A Walk in the Woods. So many laughs! Joanne :)

    1. I really enjoyed the movie, too. In fact, there may be another one in my future this week, if I can stick to my word count. So far, so good.

  3. Hey Becky, don't overdo while your sister is away. Glad you're meeting your writing goals. I don't set them, myself. I go forward, then go back and edit, and go forward again. I know they say don't edit until the end, But it's just me. Good luck with your last release, and then the last in the series. Where will Becky take us next. Good luck with your house sale too.

    1. Barb, Julia Quinn edits as she goes, and look at her success. Pay no attention to those who issue commands like don't edit until the end. Do whatever works best for you.
