

Sunday, December 27, 2015

End of the Year

For those of you keeping score, let me recap my year.

Three ambulance rides.
Three surgeries, all on the same hip.
Three books published.

I'm sensing a pattern here. So here's my plan for next year, once I get past the recuperative phase from surgery #3.

Find one good agent.
Once again, have two good legs.
Publish three books.

Hopefully, as you read this, I'm recovering from the third surgery. And, if I finished my list of things to get done before then, one of the three books is back to the publisher after first edits, and I've managed to finish the flash first draft of the third one. I may have even gotten around to putting up the tree, or at least finding my Christmas wreath.

The jury is still out on the two good legs, and the one good agent search will commence once I polish up the flash draft. But at least my publishing schedule will remain on track. Although I'd dearly love to add another book or two to the roster by the end of 2016.

Pushing my boundaries is what I'm all about. I hope 2016 will see you pushing yours as well. Here's hoping for a healthy and prosperous year on the horizon. Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve, everyone.


  1. I've got my year planned, writing wise that is. Now, to put on paper my personal goals. Last year I used, Play, Create, Restore, and Nurture. I know one of my words this year will be Health. Maybe Calm and Play. And Organize. :)

    Happy 2016 Becky.

    1. I like your list, Lynn, from last year. I definitely need more play in my life, along with restore and create. Hopefully, this year will be all about becoming a more successful writer and my health will no longer be a source of conversation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope you get the use of both of your legs soon. This year, I published 4 novels, 4 short stories, and 2 episodes of my space serial. I also went on my first cruise and flew in a float plane. In 2016, my hope is to publish 4 books again, as many short stories, 4 episodes of the space serial, and take another cruise. So far, two novels are set for release in 2016, so I'm half-way to that goal. Health wise, I just want to stay healthy! Best wishes to you in your resolutions.

    1. You're one busy lady, Susanne. I've only got one book ready to go for 2016 so far, and need to get caught up, if I'm to ever make my goal of 3 this year.

  4. Getting you up and around is your main priority. No more dancing a jig at the Mall. Looks like you are well on your way to completing your check list. I'm proud of your accomplishments. With all your published books, I am sure that you'll find the perfect fit for an agent. Happy New Year.

  5. Thanks, Barb. Even with all my setbacks last year, I managed to have the most success of my writing career, thanks to the snowball effect. Now I just want to keep it going.

  6. Such tenacity between surgeries, I am truly impressed. I have spent most of 2015 licking raw wounds and hope to resume a more productive, positive life again next year. Hoping for two books published in 2016.

  7. We all have to deal with the ebb and flow of life in the best way we can. For me, what works is to work hard. I hope I can turn all my energies into book projects this year, and put my health on the bench, where it belongs.

  8. You are a testament to the power of focus and determination. You didn't let your surgeries keep you from your goals this year. Congratulations on your accomplishments in 2015. I know you will find the perfect agent this year and meet your publishing goals. Happy New Year!!

  9. Thanks, Christy. I hope to see some new releases from you this year, too.
