

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Reboot, Relearn, Recreate

Our chapter had an all-day workshop yesterday with Bob Mayer. It was structured to have appeal to everyone regardless of the stage their career is in. We covered story structure, POV, dialogue, setting as well as the state of the industry today, and the future of publishing.

It was a good time to sit back and go over the basics as well as learn a few new things. My purpose going into each workshop is to look at my work from a different perspective at the end of the day, and to possibly learn something new.

Today was no exception. In this industry, in order to be successful, one must constantly shift with the publishing tides. To become a hybrid, either in the way you get published, or in what genre you write, or both. Regardless of the direction, there are things to be learned and in most cases, the learning curve is steep.

By day's end, I was exhausted, but energized at the same time. I am confident in the direction of my career now, and eager to finish my WIPs.

It was a very good time to reboot, relearn and recreate.


  1. It was great to see you Becky. And you won a basket!

    1. Always fun seeing you, too, Amanda. I'm most excited about winning the critique for my YA book. Now I just have to get it finished!

  2. Thanks for sharing your love country and our men and women that serve. Happy Memorial Day!
    Tema Merback
    Writing as Belle Ami

  3. Love Bob Mayer workshops - he really taught me what I needed to know to keep the 'business' part of the author job alive. Glad you enjoyed.
