

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Christmas In July

On this last day of July, I'm squeaking in with a Christmas note. As most of you who follow this blog are aware, I'm deep in the editing mode for a Christmas novella set in the fictional Maine coastal town of Lobster Cove. The story is called Love's In The Cards, and is about two sisters who own a greeting card store in town, and the old flame of one of the sisters who makes a reappearance at Christmas time. This story draws on two prongs of my background: One–I did actually go to school with a boy named Delbert, and he used to color on the soles of my shoes every day at nap time. He went on to become a high school art teacher. And second–I worked in a greeting card store similar to the one in the story when I lived in Virginia and I also worked as a merchandiser for another greeting card firm once I moved to Ohio. To this day, when I walk past a card display anywhere, I have to straighten the cards. I hope the story will put you in the holiday spirit.

So, in the nature of the season, I'm giving you each a gift today. This is a sneak peek at the cover for Love's In The Cards. Tell me what you think? Does it convey the abstract, avant-garde style of cards that fictional Delbert created?

In other news, I'm furiously working on a new type of historical–a Regency novella, also with a Christmas theme. I hope to finish it up in the next week or so and send it off to the publisher who gave me the challenge. And I'm still waiting for an agent to see how wonderful my eleven-year-old Kathleen is at the start of the Revolutionary War so I can venture into MG and YA books. Since I believe history is best learned if you can actually picture yourself in the moment, I think this book would be a wonderful teaching tool.

And I thought this year would be easier. But the publishing world isn't slowing down, nor should I. Full speed ahead! And Merry Christmas!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marin. I'm so pleased with it. We worked hard to find just the right look.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ki. I hope you'll think the story's cute, too.

  3. Wow! This is quite different from your others. I like it.

    1. I do dip my toes in the contemporary world from time to time. Keeps things fresh. Glad you like the cover, Caroline.

  4. Love those vibrant blues! Congrats on a beautiful cover, Becky :)

    1. I was going for something other than red or green, since most Christmas novels feature those colors. I agree, the blues are really eye-catching.
