

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Global Reach

I had to smile the other day when NovelRank pointed out that one of my books sold in India, of all places. I pictured a sweet Indian woman relaxing at the end of her day, reading my book on her Kindle, maybe in front of a warm fire with a hint of curry from her supper hanging in the air. My books are about American history, but the topics of family, friendship and love are universal. So I guessed this woman wanted to get to know what life was like in the US 150 years ago. From Ohio to India, my reach was growing in front of my eyes.

The next event that caught my eye was a gentleman posting on Goodreads that he wanted to be my friend. He lived in India! Was I catching on, striking a chord in the nation of India? I, of course, befriended him and hoped he'd buy the entire Cotillion Ball series.

Then, one of my chapter mates pointed out some of my books are in the Top 100 list in India! Would wonders never cease? Then, I began to think about all these strange Indian coincidences. Perhaps I was single-handedly being hoisted up in the Indian best-selling charts by one individual. By the purchase of one book. Could that be the case?

I honestly don't know the answer. But for whatever reason, someone in India has purchased, and maybe is right now reading one of my books. For that alone, I thank him or her. And if that one purchase lifted my rank into the Top 100, for a brief, shiny moment, I'll take it.

I've been told good things come in bunches. It's been a tough year outside the realm of writing and I'm due for some good. I hope to close out the year on a high note, and return to my 'glass-half-full' demeanor by New Year's Eve.


  1. I find it interesting to see all the countries thst visit my website, too. I cant help but wonder, are they trying to hack my site?

  2. Yeah, in this day and age, that's the thought that runs through my mind first, too. But I love the idea of some sweet little lady in India reading my book instead. Maybe that's why I'm a writer.

  3. Hi Becky, Couldn't help but smile at the idea of a little Indian lady sitting at home sipping her tea and reading your book. Next step - a lovely review on Amazon India!

  4. Last week, I, too, discovered several sales in India. My highest sales are in the US, UK, and then, India. Will wonders never cease?! And I do love curry. ;) Congrats. This is a crazy, exciting business.

    1. Every day is an adventure, that much is for certain. I wonder what's causing the rise in Indian interest.

  5. It's the red car syndrome. You want a red car, you think about a red car, you see more red cars in the world. Good luck with your new Indian audience.

  6. Wow, my friend Becky Lower is an International Best-selling author. Who cares where the sales come from, as long as they come. You'll have to figure a way to target that country.

    1. It's fun to say international best-selling author, even though in the grand scheme of things, it matters little.
