

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

It's been a busy year for me and my family, so there's no better way to end it than to take a step back and be thankful.

I'm thankful my family is relatively healthy.

I'm thankful I'm able to write what I want and to try out new genres and publishing platforms. A Regency Yuletide is my first foray into the world of indie publishing. And my first foray into writing a Regency. It won't be the last.

I'm thankful Pat, the sister who lives with me, remembers to be quiet in the morning so I can write. Mary, my dog, still hasn't learned that lesson.

I'm thankful I can end the year on a high note, with a contemporary Christmas novella, a super bundle of all the Cotillion books, and an American historical set at the outbreak of the Civil War, all coming out in December.

Dance With Destiny Cover?

For those of my fellow authors who are taking part in NaNoWriMo, the month is nearly over, and you can be thankful your goal is in sight, but your work isn't done. Here are a few words of encouragement from Stephen King.

So, how about you? What are you thankful for?


  1. I'm thankful for my family and for meeting so many wonderful people this year who have helped me from the kindness of their hearts. It's shown me people are inherently good, and want to help when they can 😊

    1. And I'm thankful you took the time to stop by. Happy Thanksgiving, Danielle.

  2. For lovely internet friends like you! Happy Thanksgiving Becky.

    1. What a delightful sentiment! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Lynn.
