

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Making A List and Checking It Twice

I am a consummate list maker. I have a grocery list, a general to-do list for household chores and another list for book deadlines. And don't get me started on my list of words not to use in my writing. But I've recently had to add another list to the mix–associated with a possible move.

My best friend told me the other day that if she had as much on her plate as I do, she wouldn't be able to sleep at night. So she's assuming I can sleep. I'm glad she got that impression, but the reality is I wake up every morning long before I want to with nightmares of empty moving boxes interrupting my sleep.

Of course, I'm compiling a list of things to take into account when I'm searching for a new residence. Things like climate, proximity to family, moving expenses, do I want the hassle of home maintenance or is it time for a condo? Then, there's another list for closing down this home's operation. Closing out accounts at the bank, cable company, phone, gas, utilities, etc. Switching over my social security money, turning in the keys to my safe deposit box, etc. The lists are piling up and nothing is getting done. Because until I have a signed contract in my hands, I can't go forward. Even if my new buyers have given me a target date to move.

So right now I'm in limbo, with lists piling up on every side. I will finish out February taking a two-week-long workshop with Lori Wilde, after which my second round edits should be back from my publisher. I'll try to get that signed contract into my hot little hands, and plan my next steps. And I'll keep making lists. It's the only way I'll ever get any sleep between now and May.

How about you? Do you live by your lists, or do you fly by the seat of your pants?


  1. I'm a list maker. And if I have too much on my plate, like last week - I have stress dreams.

    1. God, I know all about stress dreams, Lynn. Having them nightly now. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Lists are my best friends! Nothing more satisfying than crossing something off that needs done. Good luck to you, sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I hope you don't move too far away, even though it'd be nice to get to warmer weather 😉

    1. I would imagine with your busy life, you need lists in order to keep everything on track. I'm narrowing down my search, but won't know for a few weeks yet which direction I'll be heading.
