

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reaching A Milestone

I measure my professional life in terms of goals. Some are big, like getting published within five years of taking my writing seriously. Some are small, like getting more visitors to my website than were there last month. Or starting a newsletter to inform my readers of what's around the next bend.

RWA (Romance Writers of America) has a built-in set of milestones for each member. You can become a PRO member if you have completed a manuscript of 40,000 words or more and can provide proof that you have submitted said manuscript to an editor or agent. This is the first step on the road to becoming a published author, and is fairly easy to attain once you've written a manuscript. (No easy task!)

Then, there's PAN. The Published Authors Network. Rarified Air. To get there, you not only have to write a manuscript and send it out. You also need to have a publisher accept that manuscript and pay you royalties when a reader purchases a copy. You need to reach the threshold of $1,000 in royalties from one title ($5,000 if you self-publish) in order to achieve PAN status. Not so simple these days, when the going price for an e-book is only $2.99. The author's share of the cover price is indeed miniscule.

I joined RWA in 2007. When I moved to Ohio and found the Northeast Ohio chapter of RWA (Cleveland Rocks!) in 2009, I applied for PRO status as a result of sending out my first manuscript, which now has a permanent home under my bed. Fourteen months ago, my debut novel, The Reluctant Debutante, was released by Crimson Romance, the new kid on the block who was willing to take a chance on a good story that didn't happen to fit into a cookie-cutter line. I've had to sit through two royalty statements before I could take the next step, but it's now official.

I applied for PAN status on Friday!

You may look at this milestone progression and think "She's done what she set out to do." I look at it and think "What's next?" My writing career reminds me of why I never could settle down in one house, one state, one part of the country, for too long. I always wanted to see what was over the horizon. Yes, I reached a milestone last week, a big one. Now, I can't wait to see what's to come. If you sign up to receive my newsletter, you can  travel the journey with me. It'll be fun.


  1. Congrats Becky - I'm right on the EDGE for my debut for PAN. So I wait another 6 months and hope!

    1. Oh, Lynn, I made it this time by the skin of my teeth. You'll be there in March, I'm sure. We just keep plugging away.

  2. Good morning, Becky,
    You should be very proud of yourself. Most people stop when their dream gets hard. What we have decided to is definitely hard. I think it's all so worth it in the end. I'm no where near PAN yet, but I should be a lot closer to it in March. I'm very proud of you for reaching and achieving PAN! Keep on writing...

    1. Hi Nancy, and thanks for dropping in this morning. I've heard all kinds of statistics about those who want to write a novel vs. those who actually do finish one, and then, of those, how many actually send it anywhere. It's a daunting task to become published, and even more so to make money at it. So, PAN recognition is a big step. I'm confident you'll get there in March. Just keep promoting your book. For at least a year, I've read somewhere. Which reminds me...

  3. Well done, Becky, and this is an interesting article too. Of course you're right: we set goals and try to achieve them. And when we don't... well, we get started on another. It's the happy, healthy way to go!

  4. Thanks, J. Arlene, for stopping by. We all have goals, whether they're spelled out or not. And, if life doesn't roll out the way you expect, the only thing to do is accept the bend in the road and make the most of it. Glad you enjoyed the article.

  5. Wow, Becky, congratulations on attaining PAN! I have a way to go, but hopefully in March I will be eligible, too. My current goal is to self-publish the mystery I've just written. I'm intrigued by the prospect. You are so right about the importance of setting goals. We're much more likely to succeed if we have something to aim for.

  6. Congrats on your new PAN status, Becky!! Moving onward & upward!!

  7. That's fabulous Becky, congrats on reaching PAN status. Not sure what RWAus has to equal those milestones. Best I don't check maybe :-). I am not a bit surprised your books have reached that level...they are wonderful.

  8. Wonderful post, Becky and inspirational. At 82, my life has been filled with milestones and some millstones. I was an actor for many years and my current carrer is writing books, nine in four years all published by Vanilla Heart. The latest milestone is not only writing a series about Mature Romance but my book To Be Continued has been optioned by a production company for a television movie. Very cool for this lady. So thanks for the excellent post and my best to you.

  9. At 82, you're the inspiration, not me, Charmaine! I'm so pleased to hear of your second career successes. Keep me informed on how the TV movie thing goes. Looking forward to hearing more.
