

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Why Elizabeth Meyette Finds Humor Very Sexy

   I'm so pleased to have as my guest today another Crimson historical author, Elizabeth Meyette, whose work I admire very much. Her stories are set in Colonial America, and are laced with action and humor. I asked her to write about what makes her work so special. Here's what she had to say:

   There are two motifs that meander through my historical romance Love’s Destiny: humor and brandy. Often they intertwine like ribbons in a colonial petticoat, and always they involve Emily and Jonathon. With so many barriers to their relationship, from having opposing sympathies as the colonies begin to revolt against England to the schemes of a scorned lover, humor facilitates their blossoming romance. And as their relationship develops, humor with a dollop of brandy sometimes speeds the momentum.
   During their first encounter, Jonathon teases Emily seeing through her ruse to convince him that she is mature enough to be on her own. In trying to do so, she experiences her first brandy.

   Jonathon continued to look at her with that amused expression. He took another drink of his brandy and, putting down his empty glass, he eyed hers and looked at her inquiringly. Emily lifted her glass to her lips and sipped again. It seared her throat and brought tears to her eyes once more. She could not speak for a moment, and when she finally took a breath, the fire returned…
   “Well, as you can see, Captain, Father was mistaken. I am quite capable of looking after Andrew and myself.”
   “Yes, I can see that. In fact, you are quite a lovely young woman.” Jonathon leaned back against the settee, casually resting one arm behind Emily. He saw through her charade and could not help teasing her for she was so serious.”
Later in the book, they take shelter during a thunderstorm after Emily is injured. Secluded in a cozy cabin, the attraction between them is palpable. When she consumes brandy again, this time for medicinal purposes, Emily’s defenses come down, and the ensuing encounter with Jonathon changes their lives.
   “Time for your medicine, Miss Wentworth,” Jonathon said bringing over the flask and gently sitting down beside her. Emily took a couple of sips and coughed, which hurt her head.
   “I do not know which is worse, the injury or the cure.” She took a couple more sips and handed him the flask. “You could have covered me up, Jonathon.”
   “Why? I was enjoying the view,” he grinned. “You are lovely, Em. Enticing.”
   “And you are a rogue…”

   As playful as Jonathon can be, Emily’s wry humor matches his when she presents him with a particularly meaningful Christmas gift.
   “Now I have something for you.” Going to the tree she knelt and found a small package hidden beneath some others. She carried it over and handed it to him. Unwrapping it, Jonathon held up a gold brandy flask. He burst out laughing and clasped her to him. The others looked over at the two inquisitively.
   “It would need a great deal of explanation,” Jonathon said simply.
   This joke forms an intimate bond that is exclusively theirs.
   The secret is that Jonathon teases, but never taunts. His humor is gentle, engaging and tender often serving as foreplay in their romantic encounters. Using shared secrets creates a private world between lovers, and when humor is involved, it can be very sexy.
   Have you ever read a book or seen a movie in which the humor enhances the romance in a relationship?

Here's more about Elizabeth's works:

Love’s Destiny The simmering rebellion in the American colonies is the backdrop for this smoldering romance.  When Jonathon Brentwood, captain of the Destiny and committed patriot, comes into the life of Emily Wentworth, a young English woman, divided loyalties and desire to honor a father’s dying wish cannot hold their passion at bay. But their pasts and the future of a young country stand in the way of their destiny.

Love’s Spirit As the Revolutionary War breaks out the story of  Jonathon and Emily continues. Both face danger: Jonathon from the British who want to hang him for treason, and Emily from the woman whose love for Jonathon has driven her mad. While the impending birth of their baby is cause for celebration, threats from the British and from evil lurking at Brentwood Manor present obstacles to their love.

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  1. Great article, Elizabeth! Falling in love is so deep and overwhelming sometimes that you need a little humor. It's a great juxtaposition.

    1. Thanks, Brenna! I think humor adds such a rich aspect to romantic relationships. I think of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, Tracy and Hepburn (you're probably too young for that reference LOL) Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore, etc. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Really enjoyed this post! Without humor in our relationships there would be no romantic comedies, and I love those! After all, being a "fool for love" has been a plot line made famous in even Shakespeare's works. And it can be very sexy, especially when being offered by a gorgeous man! I love writing scenes that involve humor. It makes them memorable. You've got to have it all, the highly emotional scenes and the lighter, more whimsical ones. Thanks for sharing this today!

    1. Thanks, M.J. Romantic comedies are one of my favorite movie genres, and Midsummer Night's Dream one of my favorite Shakespearean plays. I love to see a guy get all tangled up in love. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Becky, what a delight to be a guest on your blog today. I love your historical romances, and I wish you continued success with them!
