

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Is It Better In Person?

Those of you who follow this blog know how disappointed I was when I had to cancel my plans to attend the RWA conference. I was set to meet up with my fellow Crimson authors at a dinner. I was going to pitch to Courtney Miller. I was going to make new friends and learn new things. I was going to wear new clothes in honor of the event.

None of that happened.

I could be bitter and sad. I was, for a time. Envious? Most definitely. But then, I realized I could pitch to any agent I wanted to via email, not just the one who had a time slot open. And the beauty of it is I can rework the email query as much as is needed. You don't get a second chance to impress during an 8-minute pitch. I could touch base with the Crimson authors via our special loop, any time I wanted. As a result of making new friends this past year, I'm going to take part in a Facebook party this coming week with my new friend, E. E. Burke. I've learned new things about craft by taking a Margie Lawson online workshop a few months ago. As for the new clothes–it's time to start purging my closet anyway, so the new duds will come in handy.

So, now I bet you're asking, if I can do all the above from the comfort of my computer, why would I even bother to attend the RWA Conference?

For the buzz. For the chance to rub shoulders with the likes of Nora Roberts, Jayne Anne Krentz, Christie Craig, Lisa Klepas, and Jill Shalvis. For the opportunity to meet a publisher, not at a pitch session, but over a glass of wine. For the chance to network with other authors, who are also avid readers. For the workshops, where I can learn how this industry is changing and how to be flexible enough to keep up.

For the camaraderie of being in a place with 2,000 other like-minded souls who don't mind if your head's in the clouds, and the floor isn't swept.

Yes, I got a lot of work done last week. And I got to sleep in my own bed. I didn't have to be shoehorned into an airline seat for hours, or sit on a tarmac waiting for a gate to open at LaGuardia. I got to watch the awards ceremony in my nightgown instead of a fancy dress.

But I would have traded it all for a chance to be at Nationals. Next year.

Look out, San Diego.


  1. I didn't go to Nationals either, even though it's technically only a 3 hour drive away (realistically with traffic, 5 hours). But I grew up just 60 miles north of NYC, and sorry to say, I find the Big Apple just a bit intimidating. Also, the only way I could have gone was if I'd shared a room with 3 other ladies I'd never met. It didn't sound like an experience I was up for. :-(
    I'm sure all my friends from the CT RWA group will be happy to share their exciting experiences at the next meeting. It's a shame that circumstances sometimes prevent us from enjoying the "buzz" of the in-person conference. But that's life, and we all have to work with the tools we have. Thank goodness for the Internet!

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. While I would have loved to have gone to the conference, you can still accomplish an awful lot on the internet. Much different than the old days.

  2. I keep losing my posts. I missed you at conference, so we need to get strong to kill San Diego. It would have been very difficult to get around in NYC. Slow elevators and escalators that didn't always work. IT IS NOT the same as sitting in your jammies. Just being around 2400 authors that have the same problems as you or that understand what you are talking about is priceless. You also learn a lot. I missed you. Have something for you at next meeting also an idea that might help out your contemporaries. See you then.

    1. Can't wait to see you again. Right now, my sister says I'm walking like a drunken sailor. Hope to be more steady in a few weeks.

  3. I will be going to the Australian conference in a few weeks time and have to say I look forward to it each year. I always come away inspired after talking to so many kindred spirits. We have the on line Clayton's conference going on at the same time for those who can't make or afford it. Debbie Char and Collette are all presenters on Clayton's this year.

  4. I think the inspiration you come away with is the big motivator to try to get to more conferences. And in Australia? Sign me up!

  5. Great post Becky! I agree there are pros and cons. I missed seeing my writing friends I've met over the years at conferences. We email and FB, but there is just something about seeing someone in person.

  6. This was my first Rwa conference. I got to pass out at least twenty five business cards. Few people seemed to have time to simply chat. Loved meeting SEP JAK Christi Craig and Jen Crusie. Love meeting Char, Debbie and Cheryl in person. I took pics at the Soul Mate dinner. The workshops were great. I saw three plays. New York, especially Broadway is my old stomping ground. Regrets? The workshops I didn't get to attend especially Nora Roberts and Robyn Carr not chatting with more Soulies. Would I change anything? Nope. Only 24 hours in a day. Am I going again? I don't think so.
