

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Back To Normal

One of the best things about being an author (at least in my opinion) is the multitude of types of work involved. Right now, I'm involved in the following:

1)  final edits for A Widow's Salvation–lots of tedious reading of line by line to catch typos, lost quote marks, and the like. It's scheduled for release on September 7.

2) I try to add 1,000 words a day to my WIP, the last book in the Cotillion Ball Series–the creative part of my day. The Forgotten Debutante, about Saffron Fitzpatrick, will be released in the Spring of 2016.

3) I check emails and collect my number of visitors to my website and blog–the strategic part of the day.

4) And I am lining up guest blog appearances, finding reviewers for my book, and deciding on which ad campaign, if any, will work best–the marketing part. I really love to answer the questions other bloggers pose to me. I never thought I'd enjoy that part of the business as much as I do. A pleasant surprise.

In my spare time, I am searching for a new house to live in, and we go out two or three times a week on a scouting mission.

And, there's always the other WIP, which I desperately want to finish by the end of the year. I found a model last year who is my inspiration for Raoul, or Lone Wolf. Maybe I don't want to finish the book because I'd have to remove the image?

If I run out of things to do, I have another workshop queued up and ready to go so I can become a better writer.

It's always something.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

What are you doing this week?


  1. Thanks for sharing your schedule, Becky! I think I needed this today: I've been stalled on my WIP, Spirits of the Heart, since a. the old building where my book is set burned down two weeks ago, and b. my daughter and grandson have been in town. But I hope this week to get back on track, maybe set a goal like you do: 1000 words a day.
    Question: how do you build your following to your website? Any tips? I'm very active on social media, but haven't a clue as to how my website is doing.

  2. Thanks for visiting today. My only advice on building a following is to do it one person at a time. My progress has been slow, yet steady.

  3. Thanks for sharing Becky, I think the trick is being organised and as you say one person at a time pays off!

  4. Becky, we're house-on-the-market sisters. I live in Sydney so i guess there are differences but wherever you are, selling and buying is stressful. I'm in love with that picture of Raoul. You need a cover with someone like him on it. Best of luck with house hunting and of course with your books.

  5. Becky, we're house-on-the-market sisters. I live in Sydney so i guess there are differences but wherever you are, selling and buying is stressful. I'm in love with that picture of Raoul. You need a cover with someone like him on it. Best of luck with house hunting and of course with your books.

  6. Thanks, Elizabeth, for commenting on Raoul's pix. I knew the minute I saw this man that he would be the inspiration for my Raoul character. How can I possibly miss?
