

Sunday, December 13, 2015

One Step Forward

It seems as if this past year has been one of taking a step forward and then flailing wildly. Botched operations, both medically and professionally, have set me back a year from fulfilling my goals.

I am declaring an end to it all right now. My hip will be fixed, my foray into self-publishing will happen, I will find an agent who appreciates my talents. I will not venture forth with any publishing houses who are just starting up, nor will I take any offer just because it comes my way. I will spruce up my website now that I have enough of a backlist to make it look like something, and I will continue to enjoy the success of the Cotillion Ball Series, the final book of which will be released in March. I will attend the RWA conference in July. I will become a hybrid in 2016, both in the genres I write and in the way I bring them to market. Here's a picture of a "liger," a cross between a lion and a tiger. This is what I'll become.

Look out, publishing world!


  1. Sounds like you are getting an early start on your New Year's Resolutions. You Go Girl! (or should I say Liger)

    1. Thanks, Linda. I'm getting started on the list tomorrow, when I get my hip fixed. After that, we'll see how long it takes for the second one to be crossed off.

  2. New year, new hip, new adventures into publishing. Sounds like an exciting 2016 for you. Planning on being with you in Sand Diego. Prayers for tomorrow.

    1. San Diego, here we come! As soon as I get off the heavy drugs...

  3. Becky, you've had much success, and here's to wishing you even more in 2016.
    Go get 'em, Liger!

    1. Thanks, Miranda. It's kind of scary to leave the Cotillion series behind, but better things are in store, I just know it.

  4. I love this Becky. We all need to pull up our big girl panties and move forward with as much confidence as you:)

    1. Thanks, Laura. We can all muddle through the publishing world together.

  5. I'm making my list a little early this year too. I'll be joining you in the hip replacement club on Jan 13th as long as everything goes well with insurance etc.

    I love your lists of don'ts. I think sometimes we're so caught up in the do's we don't realize saying no to something opens up a doorway to saying yes to a bigger opportunity.

    I'll be thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow Becky.

    1. We can heal together, Lynn. Let's hope we're both still standing in July, for RWA's conference.

  6. Hi Becky, Thanks for sharing your Do's and Don'ts for the coming year. Definitely inspiring! Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Go Liger!

    1. Thanks, Joanne. I work best with a list, and this seemed an appropriate time to put one together.

  7. You go girl! Attack and conquer. Thanks for lighting a fire under my derriere.

  8. Good for you! Busy people get more done. Remember that! Make lists, tackle priorities first, and you will be amazed at what your hard work and perseverance will achieve! Life is too short to not make your dreams and desires come true. You have the power!
