

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Wrapping Things Up

This time of year, the phrase wrapping things up can have multiple meanings. Presents, obviously. Finished baking all those Christmas goodies. Decorations up all over the house. Check, check and check.

For a writer, though, wrapping things up has even more meaning. By the end of the year I need to finish the first draft of a new book, come up with a business plan for next year and start pulling together my tax information. This will be the first year since I began my publishing journey where I have no deadlines to meet. Instead of it being scary, I'm excited about the opportunity to explore new avenues toward publishing. But to do that, I need a game plan. Need to get all my x's and o's lined up.  How many books do I plan to write next year? Will they be historical or contemporary? Will I finally plunge into self-publishing or will I spend my energy finding a new agent? Can I find more ways to make money from my writing? The "To-Do"list grows longer every day.

A few things have disappeared from my list, but as soon as one item gets crossed off, it seems I think of something else that needs doing.

I'll get there. And if I happen to leave something on my plate, I know it will be there, waiting for me, when I return to my computer and desk. Unless, of course, it's pumpkin pie crumbs. They'll be gone. In the meantime, I'm going to learn how to chill.


  1. Put a bow on it - this is great. A good reminder for the rest of us to focus on ourselves a moment during this hectic time and think about 2016's goals and dreams.

    1. Setting goals, personal or professional, is always a good idea. It kind of gives you a road map for the upcoming year. I don't do New Year's resolutions, but I am a big goal-setter.

  2. I know how you feel about contracts and deadlines. As of right now, I have nothing due past Dec 1 2016. Of course, that will change by then, and if it doesn't, I have several self pub series I'd like to get finished.

    But its scary to be out there on our own.

    25 days until the end of 2015. And I have a book and a proposal to write. I may have more than crumbs on my plate at the end of the year.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. It's so nice to find people who are of like minds. I'll let you know how the surgery goes on the 14th.

    2. I'll be joining you on Jan 13th. Thinking positive thoughts for you and your new surgeon. :)

    3. Good luck to you on Jan 13th. I hope this second one goes as smoothly as the first.

  3. Chill and heal. When your plate gets too full, things slip through your fingers. Take some time to catch up.

    1. I will be so glad to get this one behind me. I've lost a year and want only good things in 2016, damn it! Your friendship has helped me get through it, tho. Thanks.

  4. Sounds like you're already well on your way to a great year! I like the idea of having a game plan for the new year. :)
