

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Best Laid Plans...

At the end of last year, with the knowledge that my long commitment to the Cotillion Ball Series and Crimson Romance was at an end, I decided to come up with a list of book project ideas for this year. I listed the book and thought about everything in terms of red, yellow and green lights. Red was what roadblocks were in the way of the project, green for things that would help fast track the project and yellow for the things that needed further consideration.

My list included seven potential books. To date, three of them have been completed. I'm on track.
So now, what do I do? Start on the fourth? Oh, hell no. That would be too easy.

My restless mind came up with an idea for a YA historical novel–not on my list, not in my wheelhouse. But it's a great idea, so I'm going to run with it.

Then, today, as if that weren't enough, I had a wild idea for a contemporary story combining an event that actually happened to me along with an event that happened to a friend. All I have at this point is shoelaces and coconuts. I'll start on that one tomorrow.

Sometimes not having any deadlines to meet frees you up to explore new options in your writing career. And sometimes being so free can lead to ADHD tendencies in your writing, and you have to have three projects going at once. Even if you try to be sensible and make plans for the year and set goals for yourself, the best laid plans can be shoved aside when a great idea gets into your head.

At least I'll never be bored.


  1. You're a prolific writer. I love it when I get those crazy ideas. And coconuts?! That's my theme song. ;) I'm on Book 2 of my Coconuts series and plotted out Book 3, though I'm a pantser. I also have an entirely new novel coming out in August and am chomping at the bit to begin a non-fiction book. Best of luck!

  2. I've got your Coconuts novel on my TBR pile. I'll admit, the title's what got me to buy it. Like I said, I'm combining two story threads, one of which actually involved flying coconuts. So far, I'm having a good time with it. It's a lighthearted contemporary. I like trying out different things.

    1. Thank you, Becky. I hope you enjoy it. I don't have any flying coconuts in my novel! Lol. The name of the rest/bar where the main characters meet is called Coconuts. They meet on Thursdays. ;) I'll have the word "Coconuts" in my next two titles. I'm still deciding on those. Glad the title reeled you in. Several have told me that. ;)

  3. I'm always considering ideas for books, however, I'm know I'm only capable of one task at a time. I guess I'm obsessive when it comes to writing. Good for you to be able to multi-task.

    1. Thanks, WW, for visiting today. I work best when I have multiple projects in various stages. Editing wears me out, and I like to have a first draft of something to get creative with. Otherwise, I'd start ripping the wallpaper off the wall as I climb up it.

  4. I have a list for 2016. Any new bright and shinys will have to go on the next years list. But I have a bright and shiny notebook for those types of ideas.

    1. I'd be interested to hear how many are on your 2016 list. I like the idea. I need to get a handle on things.

  5. It's great that you have so many ideas and allow yourself the flexibility to pursue them.

    1. Thanks, Amanda. But never being at a loss for ideas can sometimes work to my detriment.
