

Sunday, April 24, 2016

How Story Ideas Are Like Trying On New Shoes

Since my contract with Crimson has come to an end, and I'm free to try to write something else other than about the Fitzpatrick family (don't worry, though. They will reappear in some future endeavors), I've been trying out a lot of different story ideas. It seems I have a new idea for a story every couple days, and it occurred to me that trying on different ideas and different genres is not unlike going to the shoe store and trying on new styles. You pick up a pair from the shelves, try them on for size, gaze in the ground-level mirror every which way, talk to yourself and either put the shoes back on the shelf or hold them out for further consideration and maybe another round of looking in the mirror and talking to yourself.

There's my historic YA novel about the Revolutionary War. I've written a couple chapters of it, but, as we all know, writing a couple chapters is the easy part. I need to do more research on what Boston was like in those days before I can continue.

Then, there's the contemporary Christmas novella. I completed it before finding a possible publisher. They want it set up a specific way, and want it before May 31. So, that's my focus right now.

My historic adult novel is finished (but is it ever, really?) and is being shopped around.

Adding to my plate, I had a notion about another contemporary, which I'm about 7,000 words into right now.

Another contemporary is also sitting on my desktop, waiting for a revision.

Will any of these ideas make it into print? Right now, it's hard to say. But after years of wearing one type of shoe, it's nice to be able to try on all kinds of new ones. If I'm having trouble deciding between stilettos and flip-flops, it's okay, for right now. I'll settle on a style soon, and will forge ahead with whichever idea is the most comfortable, the one who gets me excited.

How about you? Are you comfortable wearing one style of shoe, or do you like to experiment?


  1. Interesting - and isn't it odd how so many cross-genre ideas come up while you are busy with something else. Thanks for this

    1. I think our minds never go on holiday. Always churning with ideas.

  2. I love new shoes as much as I like new ideas. But I have learned I better wear in the first pair before I go trying on a bunch more or I won't wear the first pair again. Right now, I'm enjoying the second pair while my first lays untouched. And I definitely need to get back to the first but don't want to lose the momentum I have with the second. 've told myself no more new shoes till these two have been thoroughly worn!

    1. I'm in the same boat. I think I'll soon kick off my moccasins and put on my flip flops.

  3. Too many pairs of shoes can make it hard to figure out which one to wear.
    Tema Merback
    Writing as Belle Ami

    1. Yet too few makes you predictable. Such a dilemma...

  4. I'm trying to get a new pair sample out of my head so I can write the one I have a deadline for - TT#8. Good luck with your projects.

    1. Sometimes those new ones do have a way of speaking louder than the others, tho, don't they?

  5. I like to try on different styles of writings too. I like your analogy. Shoes are so much easier-- sneakers or ballet flats. Or barefoot. Best wishes for finding your "fit"

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Fawn. Glad you like the analogy.

  6. I hate new shoes cause their hard to find. Sometimes I think the same is true of stories.

    1. Thanks, Susan, and I agree. Finding a really good pair that you're comfortable in and proud of is a very difficult task.
