

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Birds Of A Feather

Yesterday, I spent the day at a local library, where they had a guest speaker talking about the craft of writing, specifically the "W"plot technique,
followed by an author book signing. There were 38 authors signing, so it was a big event for the library. But what I liked best about the day was that I was in a space with other authors. Many of my fellow romance authors from the Northeast Ohio RWA (NEORWA) were there. Since I haven't been able to make too many meetings this year, it was wonderful to see all my old friends, and to meet a new one who has just joined the chapter.

And, since there were five of us romance writers placed in the teen section (and yes, they avoided us like the plague, except to sneak some candy), we had lots of time to talk about marketing strategy, indie vs. traditional publishing, plotter vs. pantser. Books on craft and software programs were discussed and the merits and drawbacks analyzed. We all spoke in a kind of author shorthand. It's the kind of afternoon that only another author can find appealing. As I suppose it is with any special interest.

I remember back in the days when I was an avid quilter, and spent hours in the quilt shop discussing the different types of fabric, appealing patterns, how many quilting stitches per inch qualified you as a master quilter. Same thing, just a different set of parameters.

Even though book sales left a lot to be desired, we had a good time. And, at the end of the day, isn't that what we all strive for? All that was missing was some wine.


  1. A lovely summary, Becky. It was so nice to spend the day with you, and so energizing to have so much time to talk writing!

    1. I agree, Marin. At our monthly meetings, there never seems to be enough time to do more than say hello and give a hug. Yesterday was fun.

  2. Sounds fun! It's been so long since I've seen everyone. I'm looking forward to our next meeting.

    1. Miss seeing you, too, Amanda. Maybe we can catch up when we are making baskets.

  3. I spent the weekend at Barbara Vey in Wisconsin doing the same thing, gabbing about books. That's my tribe and I love talking to readers and authors about writing and the stories in our heads.

    1. Love weekends like that. We have a conference coming up this month, and I'm looking forward to spending another day in the company of like minds. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
