

Sunday, August 28, 2016

It Started In Texas

Many moons ago, I spent eight years in Austin, TX.  The city and the surrounding towns were loaded with antique shops and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Round Top, Fredericksburg, and Smithville were among my favorite places and I spent every spare moment browsing through the offerings.

One of the things I began collecting was Zane Grey books, particularly his westerns.
I made up a list after a while, in order to avoid duplication, and had it in my purse at all times, since you never knew where the next antique shop would be. My criteria was simple:
                                1) The books had to be first or second editions
                                2) I had to read each and every one

So there I was, surrounded by cowboys, reading about cowboys, learning to ride a horse, buying real boots. Is it any wonder I ended up writing about the Pony Express? And having my first hero be an Indian? I credit Mr. Grey for my fascination with this era of America.

But life goes on. I left Austin and ended up back in Ohio, where I'd grown up. The house is overflowing with books, including the 60 Zane Greys. So, we're starting to pare down, since a move to a smaller home is in our near future. The Zanes will need to find a new home. If there's a cowboy in your life, and you're looking for a unique Christmas gift, contact me. I'd love to share my collection with you.


  1. Cool collection, Becky. I visited the Pony Express museum in St. Joseph, Missouri last year -- well worth the visit.

    1. I still need to get there, but have heard great things about it. Thanks for visiting today.

  2. Hi Becky, Love reading back stories about writer's passions. Austin sounds fascinating...definitely on my "To visit" list.

    1. I enjoyed it for a long time, especially when South By Southwest invaded every spring. They used to block off Sixth Street for a free concert.

  3. I remember reading a Zane Grey book as a child. It was on my parents shelf. I still remember the title, Columbine. Have you read that one?

    1. That one somehow eluded me, but it obviously impressed you, if you still remember it. Thanks for visiting today, and for sharing your memory.

  4. Becky - We lived four years in Austin in the mid 70s. We went back through early last year and the town has become a congested city. Very interesting Zane Grey museum near Zanesville Ohio. Worth the money to visit if you haven't.

    1. I should put the Zane museum on my list now that I'm back in Ohio. Good suggestion. Thanks, CD.

  5. Never was a Zane Gray fan but I read everything Louis L'Amour and Jack Schaefer wrote. Got to meat Louis and blurted out, "You don't write enough. It's hard to part with books, isn't it?

    1. I've read some of Louis L'Amour too, bit Zane's my favorite.
