

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Taking The Plunge

I've been so caught up in my new venture that I totally forgot what day it was. If you came here early expecting a new post, I apologize.

I'm sure you're now wondering what could occupy my time so much that I'd forget my blog post for the very first time. Well, wonder no more. I'm about to self-publish a Christmas novella, and have a steep learning curve in front of me. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible by putting it up only as an e-book, and only on Amazon, but still, there's a huge mound of information to get through. I've lined up an editor and a cover artist and think I've got most of my bases covered, but I'm sure I'm forgetting things that will come to light in the next few weeks.

But let me tell you about the book. It's my first Regency-inspired work. I had someone whose job it is to know this stuff read it through to see if I could effectively write Regency, since my historicals up to this point had all been American historicals. When I got a passing grade from her, I was left with the decision to try to find a publisher for it or do it myself. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try my hand at self-publishing and to become a true hybrid author.

It's exciting and frightening at the same time. The story line is sweet and I love the hero and heroine. Can't wait to introduce you to Jeremy and Sophie. The book will hopefully be up by November for your viewing pleasure. Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. Congrats and welcome to the pool. The water's fine.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. Not just my toes, but the entire foot is all in now.

  2. Hi Becky, Keep us posted! I'm thinking of self-publishing a shorter piece. :)

    1. That's exactly why I'm doing it now. This is a novella, so I'll keep down my editing expenses. And I'm only doing it as an ePub, no need for print books when it's this tiny. I'll let you know how it goes.

  3. I will be interested to hear how it goes! I'm finding the process of launching my first book has a huge learning curve as well. So many applications and platforms to become familiar with.

    1. That's why I decided to start small, with just KDP Select, and a novella.

  4. Good luck Becky! I have a short story that will be included in the Christmas Anthology put out by LARA my local RWA Chapter. I get your grief and excitement. Best of luck!
    Tema Merback
    Writing as Belle Ami
