Jan. 24--First edits are expected on my new Lobster Cove book, Sweet Caroline.
February 1--Manuscript due to Lori Wilde for her workshop. Miles to go yet on the manuscript.
February 13-24--Workshop with Lori Wilde. 'Intense' is the working word I've been hearing for this workshop.

And that's just the deadlines for my writing.
For the first three months of the year.
Sobering thought.
Might be time for a little of the bubbly.

Solicit an agent with the Regency series idea.
Final edits on Sweet Caroline, begin a promotional campaign.
Start work on book #19
Of course, there are always extra things that come at you out of left field. I'm excited to see what those will be. I have a few clues, but don't want to jinx anything. For now, I'm keeping my head down, my butt in the chair, and getting the word count accomplished.
You'll be the first to know of anything major. Stay tuned.
Happy 2017, everyone!
Hi, Becky. I mostly fly by the seat of my pants. The thought of scheduling out a year is scary, but three months, I might be able to do. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteThis industry is changing so fast, I think if you do plan a year out, you'll need to adjust it anyway, so a quarter at a time is a more sensible approach. At least that's what I tell myself.
DeleteI'm a planner, but I do keep 2 or 3 going at all times and none are stagnant. I guess you could say I plan, but I plan to adapt. You're right, this field is changing way too fast. The best plan still seems the same. Keep writing, keep studying your craft, keep reading and know your market. These are the only constants I've seen. Wishing you and all your readers an amazing 2017!
ReplyDeleteI like your take on things, Amity. Here's hoping for an amazing year for you, too!
DeleteI have three works in the works all the time. one in edits, one writing, one researching. Fly be the seat of my pants otherwise. I do plan how many books I hope to get out for the year and what conferences or workshops I can attend. Promos are always a week by week thing.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the way you break things down, Tena. Probably because I'm the same way--one in edits, one writing and one research. Working on a few promo ideas right now, but you're right--it's a week at a time there.
DeleteEnjoyed your blog and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your 2017 plans Miss Becky!I just sent in the third Cat Latimer book. Now it's time for a round of copy edits and page proofs. Plus I want to write a short romance in my Castle View world this month. Then I'll start on my new cozy series. And I have a release that I'm planning too much travel for. :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you're busy as always. I'm knee deep in research for my new Regency series. Here's hoping for big things for us both this year.
DeleteWith my schedule, I have to plan even though my natural state is pantser.
ReplyDeleteI do a lot of things anymore that go against my usual state of "whatever happens happens". Thanks for visiting today!
DeleteI feel humbled by my fellow authors' drive and productivity. On the advice of a writing pal, my New Year resolution is to write between 100 and 1000 words a day - whatever else happens in life. Pathetic by comparison with all you hard workers, but achievable for me with other commitments. Good luck to all in 2017.
ReplyDeleteYour pal gave you good advice. Write something every day. There's always a reason not to put your butt in a chair and write, you just have to not listen to the excuses and do it.
DeleteI'm a planner ... in detail. However, my family and three of my four publishers seem to be pantsers. I'm often knocked off my best intentions by them. Thanks for sharing. It's nice to know there are others like me who like to stay ahead of the game.
ReplyDeleteI love how you refer to your family and publishers as pantsers! I work with several different publishers too, and they each have a different way of approaching things. All we can do is try our best.
DeleteHey Becky, Good luck with all as you journey into 2017. I definitely will get inspiration from your butt in the seat attitude!
ReplyDeleteThanks, DeeDee, for stopping by. I'm glad if you can take away some inspiration from my ramblings. :)
DeleteBusy, busy, busy. Glad to see you're staying out of trouble. Just wish you could stay healthy through it all. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteI can deal with a little bout of intestinal flu. It's the skeleton I seem to have trouble with.