Sunday, May 21, 2017

Finding The Lemonade

As most of you who follow this blog are aware, I'm trying to sell my house in order to downsize to a two-bedroom place rather than the four I now have. The home has been on the market for three months now, with several nibbles but no bites.

Rather than panic at the delay, I've decided to look on the bright side. To make lemonade from the lemons. This delay gives me time to leisurely go through all my books, clothing and pictures and determine which I'll keep and which Goodwill will get. Second, I'm taking the time to research places to move to, weighing the options of not only the city and state, but rather to rent first, do I want a ranch or will one set of stairs be okay, will Mary still have a yard to play in, etc. And because I never know when someone will want to see the house, it stays clean.

I'm also trying to find the lemonade in my writing. The edits for my next book seem to be taking forever. As I looked over the latest round, I decided rather than complain about it, I'd accept the fact the book was to the halfway point in the editor's comments. So I'm half done with it. I'll go through the remaining pages and try to circumvent any other problems and send it back. Instead of having half the book to go, I'm halfway done. Glass half full rather than half empty.

So, the house is being gradually decluttered, the process of finding a new place is being winnowed down, my book is halfway through the editing process, and my new WIP is taking shape, 1000 words at a time. Summer's on its way, so it's a perfect time for lemonade.


  1. I, too, have my house for sale because I need to downsize and am facing the probability of moving to another state because of high cost of living where I am. A very stressful place to be in, and I'm not finding much time to write :( loved your post, the key is looking at the half full side of things:)

    1. Jill, we're both facing the same problems. I'm not spending the same amount of time on my writing as I have in years past, since I'm surfing the web for cities to consider, and getting ready for yard sales, etc. But I keep plugging along.

  2. I'm trying to start a new book, but I released last week, and got edits the week before. Both are now done so I'll be starting up again tomorrow. I hope. :)

    1. I'm sure you'll get back on track in no time, Lynn. Miss seeing you.
